Publications by Date


Web 2.0 Investments Up in 2007 But Likely Close to Peak—New England Second to Silicon Valley
Xconomy / March 19, 2008 / website / view site
Nantero's Carbon-Nanotube-Based Chips Could Outdo Other Types of Computer Memory
Xconomy / March 14, 2008 / website / view site
Surgical Equipment Maker Salient Files for IPO
Xconomy / March 13, 2008 / website / view site
Conceived as a Telecom Company, OmniGuide is Now Bringing Laser Scalpels into Endoscopic Surgery
Xconomy / March 11, 2008 / website / view site
Allegro Diagnostics Raises $4 Million in Series A; Funding Will Support Trials of Lung Cancer Test
Xconomy / March 7, 2008 / website / view site
NoblePeak Collects $12 Million for Night Vision System That Exploits "Nightglow"
Xconomy / March 7, 2008 / website / view site
A123 Thinks Big about Electric Cars from Norway
Xconomy / March 6, 2008 / website / view site
Boston Companies Grab Headlines at Game Developers Conference
Xconomy / Feb. 22, 2008 / website / view site
Luminus Deal Brightens Future for LED Lighting
Xconomy / Feb. 22, 2008 / website / view site
New Hampshire Startup Makes World’s Largest Sheets of Carbon Nanotubes
Xconomy / Feb. 22, 2008 / website / view site
Methuen Company’s Motors Power MRI Surgery Robot
Xconomy / Feb. 21, 2008 / website / view site
The Erasable Holographic Display
IEEE Spectrum / Feb. 19, 2008 / website / view site
Intel and ARM are Exploring Self-Correction Schemes to Boost Processor Performance and Cut Power
IEEE Spectrum / Feb. 8, 2008 / website / view site
Product Focus: Vibration Isolation
Nature Photonics / Vol. 2/No. 2 / February 2008 / pp. 118-119 / view site
Phase-Change Materials Could Boost Reconfigurable Chips
IEEE Spectrum / Jan. 28, 2008 / website / view site
A Weaker, Cheaper MRI
IEEE Spectrum / January 2008 / pg. xx / view site


Slower light for faster telecom networks
IEEE Spectrum / Dec. 14, 2007 / website / view site
Running interference: New company aims RNA-based therapies at neurological, metabolic disease
Nature Network Boston / Dec. 10, 2007 / website / view site
Product Focus: Photodetectors
Nature Photonics / Vol. 1/No. 12 / December 2007 / pp. 730-731 / view site
A Little Light Work: Getting silicon to respond to light could usher in a new era of integrated optical devices
Lincoln Laboratory Journal / Vol. 17, No. 1 / November 2007 / pg. xx / view site

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