Publications by Type

Features -- consumer publications

Contenders for the 2024 Spinoff Prize
Nature / July 11, 2024 / view site
Saliva-based tests offer an alternative to nasal swabbing
Nature / July 11, 2024 / website / view site
What steps to take when funding starts to run out
Nature / May 24, 2024 / view site
A Life of Complexity
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 57/No. 6 / June 2024 / pp. 14-16 / view site
AI's keen diagnostic eye
Nature / April 18, 2024 / website / view site
Tracking down tuberculosis
Nature / Jan. 25, 2024 / website / view site
Keeping secrets in a quantum world
Nature / Vol. 623/Issue 7985 / Nov. 1, 2023 / pp. S1-S3 / view site
How robots can learn to follow a moral code
Nature / Oct. 26, 2023 / website / view site
Exposing deepfake imagery
Photonics Focus / Vol. 4/Issue 5 / September/October 2023 / view site
The Rise of the Chatbots
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 66, No. 7 / July 1, 2023 / pp. 16-17 / view site
After Twitter
Communications of the ACM / June 27, 2023 / website / view site
Making Connections - Turing Award winner Bob Metcalfe
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 68, No. 6 / June 2023 / pp. 8-10 / view site
Better batteries using existing technology
Nature / Vol. 617/Issue 7962 / May 24, 2023 / website / view site
The Spinoff Prize: Where are they now?
Nature / Vol. 617/Issue 7962 / May 24, 2023 / website / view site
Synthetic data could be better than real data
Nature / April 27, 2023 / website / view site
Drug discovery companies are customizing ChatGPT. Here's how
Nature Biotechnology / April 24, 2023 / view site
Locking down secure open-source software
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 66, No. 5 / May 2023 / pp. 13-14 / view site
Why Artificial Intelligence needs to understand consequences
Nature / Feb. 24, 2023 / website / view site
The Outlook for Crypto
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 66, No. 1 / January 2023 / pp. 16-18 / view site
Strength in the life sciences sustains US advantage
Nature Index / Nov. 25, 2022 / website / view site

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