Publications by Date


Storing Light Waves as Sound for Energy-Saving Acoustic Memory
IEEE Spectrum / Sept. 25, 2017 / website / view site
Seeking Key Materials for Quantum Communications
ACS Central Science / Aug. 11, 2017 / website / view site
On the Right Track
Nature / Vol. 548, Iss. 7666 / Aug. 10, 2017 / pp. S23-S25 / view site
Quantum Computers Compete for "Supremacy"
Scientific American / July 5, 2017 / website / view site
Building a Brain May Mean Going Analog
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 60, No. 7 / July 2017 / pp. 13-15 / view site
Patience for Patients
Nature / Vol. 546. No. 7658 / June 15, 2017 / pp. S1-S3 / view site
The Measure of a Man
Cell / Vol. 169, Iss. 7 / June 15, 2017 / pp. 1159-1161 / view site
Lawmakers seek to expand repair options
Communications of the ACM / May 25, 2017 / website / view site
Weaving the Web: Turing Award winner Tim Berners-Lee
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 60, No. 6 / June 2017 / pp. 20-22 / view site
Spinoffs - Accion Systems: A New Thrust
Nature / Vol, 545, Iss. 7654 / May 18, 2017 / pp. S13-S14 / view site
Spinoffs - Basilisk: Building, Heal Thyself
Nature / Vol, 545, Iss. 7654 / May 18, 2017 / pp S15-S20 / view site
Spinoffs - Carbicrete: Steel In, Carbon Out
Nature / Vol, 545, Iss. 7654 / May 18, 2017 / pp S15-S20 / view site
Spinoffs - Cellbricks: Building Up from Nothing
Nature / Vol, 545, Iss. 7654 / May 18, 2017 / pp. S4-S9 / view site
Spinoffs - SLIPS Technologies: Sliding Away
Nature / Vol, 545, Iss. 7654 / May 18, 2017 / pp S15-S20 / view site
Spinoffs - Voxel8: 3D Printing Mixes Materials
Nature / Vol, 545, Iss. 7654 / May 18, 2017 / pp S15-S20 / view site
Creating Bonds for Progammable Atoms
APS Science 2016 / May 2017 / pp. 182-183
Measuring the Microstructure of Natural Gums
APS Science 2016 / May 2017 / pp. 80-81
Sounding Out Thermal Conductors
APS Science 2016 / May 2017 / pp. 186-187
Ohio's Bio Boom
Nature / Vol. 544, No. 7648 / April 5, 2017 / pp. 127-129 / view site
Thinking Deeply to Make Better Speech
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 60, No. 3 / March 2017 / pp. 15-17 / view site

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