Publications by Date


Materials Science: Super Carbon
Nature / Vol. 483 / March 15, 2012 / pp. S30-S31 / view site
Gaining Wisdom from Crowds
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 55, No. 3 / March 2012 / pp. 13-15 / view site
Nanostructures Catch the Light
IEEE Spectrum / February 2012 / pg. 14 / view site
Solar Cells in Smartphone Screens
IEEE Spectrum / Jan. 18, 2012 / website / view site
Better Medicine Through Machine Learning
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 55, No. 1 / January 2012 / pp. 17-19 / view site
Electronic Cotton
IEEE Spectrum / January 2012 / view site
Thailand floods disrupt photonics
Nature Photonics / Vol. 6, No. 1 / January 2012 / pp. 13-14 / view site


Nanotransistor Boosts Sensitivity of Gene Sequencer
IEEE Spectrum / Dec. 21, 2011 / website / view site
Low-Cost Robots Could Transform Science
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 54, No. 12 / December 2011 / pg. 19 / view site
Electronics: Organic Growth
Nature / Vol. 479 / Nov. 23, 2011 / pp. 557-559 / view site
A New Angle on Imaging
IEEE Spectrum / Dec. 2011 / Nov. 16, 2011 / view site
Filling Space with Polyhedra
Communications of the ACM / Nov. 1, 2011 / website / view site
Greenhouse Effect: Five Ideas for Reusing Data Centers' Waste Heat
Technology Review / Oct. 26, 2011 / website / view site
Laser Makes Memory Mechanical
IEEE Spectrum / Oct. 24, 2011 / website / view site
Memory Trick Could Speed Up the Web
Technology Review / Oct. 17, 2011 / website / view site
Mining Data for Better Medicine
Technology Review / Sept. 19, 2011 / website / view site
Remaking American Medicine
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 54, No. 9 / September 2011 / pp. 19-21 / view site
Optical Antennas Improve Hydrogen Production
IEEE Spectrum / Aug. 10, 2011 / website / view site
Quantum Computing Claims Produce Uncertainty
Communications of the ACM / Aug. 2, 2011 / website / view site
U.S. Calls for Global Cybersecurity Cooperation
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 54, No. 7 / July 2011 / p. 18

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