Publications by Date


Solar Cell Breaks Efficiency Record
IEEE Spectrum / June 24, 2011 / website / view site
Algae: The Scum Solution
Nature / Vol. 374 / June 23, 2011 / S15-S16 / view site
Fuel Options: The Ideal Biofuel
Nature / Vol. 374 / June 23, 2011 / S9-S11 / view site
First Graphene Integrated Circuit
IEEE Spectrum / June 9, 2011 / website / view site
Fastest Single-Laser Transmission
IEEE Spectrum / May 25, 2011 / website / view site
Graphene Device Modulates Light
IEEE Spectrum / May 9, 2011 / website / view site
Sorting Through Photos
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 54, No. 5 / May 2011 / pp. 13-15 / view site
Nanotubes Promise Bright Future for Displays
IEEE Spectrum / April 29, 2011 / website / view site
Finding Experts: It's Who You Know
Communications of the ACM / April 26, 2011 / website / view site
Redesigning Banking with Behavioral Economics in Mind
Technology Review / April 5, 2011 / website / view site
Early detection: Spotting the first signs
Nature / 471 / March 24, 2011 / S14-S15 / view site
Diodes Built Inside Fiber
IEEE Spectrum / March 8, 2011 / website / view site
Twitter as Medium and Message
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 54, No. 3 / March 2011 / pp. 18-20 / view site
Antilaser invented
IEEE Spectrum / Feb. 17, 2011 / website / view site
Harvard Team Makes Programmable Logic from Nanowires
IEEE Spectrum / Feb, 9, 2011 / website / view site
HP's Open Innovation Strategy: Leveraging Academic Labs
Technology Review / Feb. 8, 2011 / website / view site
A Foucault Pendulum on a Chip
IEEE Spectrum / Feb. 1, 2011 / website / view site
Batteries That Breathe
IEEE Spectrum / February 2011 / view site
Information Theory after Shannon
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 54, No. 2 / February 2011 / pp. 16-18 / view site
How to Hedge Against Volatile Energy Prices
Technology Review / Jan. 28, 2011 / website / view site

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