Publications by Date


How researchers are revamping antimicrobial drugs
Nature / Vol. 586/No. 7830 / Oct. 22, 2020 / pp. S55-S56 / view site
A visual guide to migraine headaches
Nature / Vol. 586/No. 7829 / Oct. 15, 2020 / pp. S2-S3 / view site
The Puzzle of Migraine Chronification
Nature / Vol. 586/No. 7829 / Oct. 15, 2020 / pp. S12-S14 / view site
Increasing Disorder Improves a Catalyst
APS Science 2020 / Vol. 1 / view site
Making Strong Plastic from Silk
APS Science 2020 / Vol. 1 / view site
Science Cities: New York and Boston maintain their lead
Nature Index / Vol.585/Issue 7826 / Sept. 24, 2020 / pp. S56-S57 / view site
Google's Quantum Computer Achieves Chemistry Milestone
Scientific American / Sept. 4, 2020 / website / view site
Powering Through the Pandemic
IEEE Spectrum / July 21, 2020 / website / view site
A Conversation With Zhenan Bao
ACS Central Science / Vol. 6/No. 7 / July 13, 2020 / pp. 1015-1016 / view site
Gold nanowires take on a new twist
Chemical & Engineering News / July 2, 2020 / website / view site
Computing and Optics Team Up Over Metasurfaces
Photonics Focus / Vol. 1/Iss. 3 / July 2020 / view site
Spinoff Prize. Cage Capture: Designing a molecule to filter out pollutants
Nature / June 30, 2020 / website / view site
Spinoff Prize. Sibel Health: designing vital-sign sensors for delicate skin
Nature / June 30, 2020 / website / view site
Spinoff Prize. Softsonics: a device to take blood-pressure readings continuously
Nature / June 30, 2020 / website / view site
Tiny Satellites Could Distribute Quantum Keys
IEEE Spectrum / June 26, 2020 / website / view site
Your Wish is My CMD
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 63/No. 7 / July 2020 / pp. 15-16 / view site
FCC Approves 5G Upgrade Order in an Effort to Speed Rollouts
IEEE Spectrum / June 12, 2020 / website / view site
Adding Stress Alters Material Aging
APS Science 2019 / Vol. 2 / June 2020 / pp. 10-11
Measuring Heat and Light
APS Science 2019 / Vol. 2 / June 2020 / pp. 113-114
The Good and the Bad of Defects in Catalysts
APS Science 2019 / Vol. 2 / June 2020 / pp. 48-49

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