Publications by Date


An Animating Spirit - Turing Award winners
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 63/No. 6 / June 2020 / pp. 10-12 / view site
Seeing Through Walls
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 63/No. 6 / June 2020 / pp. 15-16 / view site
Dipping technique makes high-performance carbon nanotube circuits
Chemical & Engineering News / May 21, 2020 / website / view site
Nudging reaction in reverse repurposes polyurethane foam
Chemical & Engineering News / April 29, 2020 / website / view site
'Hot' dots for quantum computing
Chemical & Engineering News / April 20, 2020 / website / view site
Squeezing Light Out of Silicon
IEEE Spectrum / April 8, 2020 / website / view site
How AI is improving cancer diagnostics
Nature / Vol. 579/Issue 7800 / March 26, 2020 / pp. S14-S16 / view site
Superconductors from Outer Space
Chemical & Engineering News / March 25, 2020 / website / view site
Researchers grow thin 2-D insulator on large scale
Chemical & Engineering News / March 4, 2020 / website / view site
Breaking the 10-nm Barrier with X-ray Nanotomography
APS Science, 2021 / Vol. 68, No. 1 / March 2022 / pp, 170-171 / view site
Turning down the heat turns up better perovskites
Chemical & Engineering News / Feb. 26, 2020 / website / view site
Engineers Bang Tiny Laser Drum to Speed Data Transmission
IEEE Spectrum / Feb. 20, 2020 / website / view site
Turning woods scraps into strong, structured building material
Chemical & Engineering News / Feb. 12, 2020 / website / view site
Here's how this metasurface lens could improve imaging
IEEE Spectrum / Feb. 6, 2020 / website / view site
Laser LiFi Could Send Data Speeds Soaring
IEEE Spectrum / Feb. 4, 2020 / website / view site
The complex relationship between drugs and the microbiome
Nature / Vol. 577/Issue 7792 / Jan. 29, 2020 / pp. S10-S11 / view site
Mixing Quantum States Boosts Fiber Communications
IEEE Spectrum / Jan. 24, 2020 / website / view site
Waterproof perovskite lasers could probe inside cells
Chemical & Engineering News / Jan. 24, 2020 / website / view site


Tomorrow's Industries: From OLEDs to Nanomaterials
Nature Index / Dec. 11, 2019 / view site
Chipmakers could mass produce glass metalenses
Chemical & Engineering News / Dec. 10, 2019 / website / view site

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