Publications by Type

Features -- consumer publications

Modeling: Computing Cancer
Nature / Vol. 491 / Nov. 22, 2012 / pp. S62-S63 / view site
Brushing up on business
Nature / Vol. 490 / Oct. 18, 2012 / pp. 435-437 / view site
The Taste of Things to Come
Nature / Vol. 486 / June 21, 2012 / pp. S18-S-19 / view site
Statistics Unmask Phony Online Reviews
Technology Review / June 18, 2012 / website / view site
Come Into the Light
Nature / Vol. 483 / March 15, 2012 / pp. S38-S39 / view site
Materials Science: Super Carbon
Nature / Vol. 483 / March 15, 2012 / pp. S30-S31 / view site
Electronics: Organic Growth
Nature / Vol. 479 / Nov. 23, 2011 / pp. 557-559 / view site
Algae: The Scum Solution
Nature / Vol. 374 / June 23, 2011 / S15-S16 / view site
Fuel Options: The Ideal Biofuel
Nature / Vol. 374 / June 23, 2011 / S9-S11 / view site
Early detection: Spotting the first signs
Nature / 471 / March 24, 2011 / S14-S15 / view site
Twitter as Medium and Message
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 54, No. 3 / March 2011 / pp. 18-20 / view site
Watch Where You're Going
Technology Review / Nov. 9, 2010 / website / view site
TR-35, Alan Aspuru-Guzik
Technology Review / Sept/Oct 2010 / view site
TR-35, Chris Rivest
Technology Review / Sept/Oct 2010 / view site
TR35: Andrew Lynn
Technology Review / September/October 2009 / view site
TR35: Cody Freisen
Technology Review / September/October 2009 / view site
TR35: Michael Backes
Technology Review / September/October 2009 / view site
TR35: Ranjan Dash
Technology Review / September/October 2009 / view site
TR35: Vik Singh
Technology Review / September/October 2009 / view site
TR 35: Anna Lysyanskaya, Securing Online Privacy
Technology Review / Sept/Oct 2007 / pg. 57 / view site

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