Publications by Type

Features -- consumer publications

TR 35: Erik Bakkers, Combining Semiconductors
Technology Review / Sept/Oct 2007 / pg. 52-53 / view site
TR 35: Sanjit Biswas, Cheap, Easy Internet Access
Technology Review / Sept/Oct 2007 / pg. 52 / view site
TR 35: Tadayoshi Kohno, Securing Systems Cryptographically
Technology Review / Sept/Oct 2007 / pg. 58-59 / view site
TR 35: Ling Lao, Lighting up Computers
Technology Review / Sept/Oct 2006 / pg. xx / view site
Cognitive Radio
Technology Review / March/April 2006 / pg. 61 / view site
Pervasive Wireless
Technology Review / March/April 2006 / pg. 68 / view site
TR-35 profiles: Aarabi, Barzilay, Blackwell, Carvin, Chen, Crowley, Manohar
Technology Review / October 2005 / pg. 41 / view site
Computing is all about creating better connections—whether between tiny transistors or human beings
Technology Review / October 2004 / pp. 50-51 / view site
Silicon photonics: Making the material of computer chips emit light could speed data flow
Technology Review / May 2004 / pg. 45 / view site
A Flare for Prediction
Technology Review / April 2004 / MIT news section, pg. 13 / view site
10 Emerging Technologies: T-Rays
Technology Review / February 2004 / pg. 42 / view site
Holy Grail: Light from Silicon
IEEE Spectrum / January 2004 / pg. 59 / view site
Good-bye, Mister Edison
Discover / November 2002 / pg. 18-19 / view site
Linking with Light
IEEE Spectrum / August 2002 / pp. 32-36
Computing with a Twist
Discover / January 2002 / pp. 21-22 / view site
Greenhouse Effect, R.I.P.
Discover / August 2001 / pp.17-18 / view site
Building a Better Backbone
Technology Review / June 2001 / pp. 40-46
Herwig Kogelnik: 2001 IEEE Medal of Honor recipient
IEEE Spectrum / June 2001 / pp. 42-47
A Leg to Stand On: Will artificial limbs get better than the real thing?
Discover / April 2001 / pp. 24-25 / view site
Bright encounter: Aliens are firing high-powered lasers at the Earth. Don't panic, they're probably just trying to tell us something
New Scientist / Jan. 6, 2001 / pp. 30-32 / view site

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