Publications by Type

Features -- consumer publications

LEDs Light the Future
Technology Review / September-October 2000 / pp. 38-44 / view site
A whale of a story: Long before Captain Ahab, Native Americans in Boston may have hunted their own leviathan
The Boston Globe / May 23, 2000
Is there anyone out there?
The Boston Globe / Jan. 17, 2000
Almost blue: Scientists say they can improve the laser if they can find a way to turn it from red to blue
The Boston Globe / Oct. 18, 1999 / p. D1
The Search for the Key to Alzheimer's
New England Booming / April 1998 / p. 15
Journey Across the Cosmos
Astronomy: Explore the Universe / 4th Edition, 1998 / pp. 8-45

Features -- trade publications

Revamping Python for an AI world
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 66, No. 12 / December 2023 / pp. 13-14 / view site
Taking toplogy to new heights - with light
Photonics Focus / Vol. 3/Issue 5 / Sept/Oct 2022 / pp. 20-23 / view site
Always Improving Performance, Turing Award winner Jack Dongarra
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 65, No. 6 / June 2022 / pp. 16-18 / view site
Virtual Duplicates
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 65, No. 2 / February 2022 / pp. 14-16 / view site
Getting Down to Basics, Turing Award Winners
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 64/No. 6 / June 2021 / pp. 12-14 / view site
Catching the Fakes
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 64/No. 5 / May 2021 / pp. 13-14 / view site
Autonomous Cars Drive Terahertz Research
Photonics Focus / Vol. 2/Issue 2 / March/April 2021 / view site
Fact Finding Mission: Artificial Intelligence Provides Automatic Fact-Checking and Fake News Detection, But With Limits
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 64/No. 3 / March 2021 / pp. 18-19 / view site
Tracking COVID, Discreetly
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 63/No. 12 / December 2020 / pp. 9-11 / view site
A Conversation With Zhenan Bao
ACS Central Science / Vol. 6/No. 7 / July 13, 2020 / pp. 1015-1016 / view site
Computing and Optics Team Up Over Metasurfaces
Photonics Focus / Vol. 1/Iss. 3 / July 2020 / view site
Your Wish is My CMD
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 63/No. 7 / July 2020 / pp. 15-16 / view site
An Animating Spirit - Turing Award winners
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 63/No. 6 / June 2020 / pp. 10-12 / view site
Seeing Through Walls
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 63/No. 6 / June 2020 / pp. 15-16 / view site

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