Publications by Date


Competition: Unlikely Partnerships
Nature / Vol. 533, Iss. 7602 / May 12, 2016 / pp. S56-S58 / view site
A Sense of Enterprise
Nature / Vol. 533, Iss. 7601 / May 5, 2016 / pp. S10-S12 / view site
Bearing Down on Nanomaterials
APS Science 2015 / May 2016 / pg. 47
Creating a Crystalline Toolbox
APS Science 2015 / May 2016 / pp. 175-176
Folding of a Nanoparticle Membrane Originated from a Janus-like Molecular Coating
APS Science 2015 / May 2016 / pp. 160-162
Germans Plan Petawatt Laser to Zap Brain Tumors
IEEE Spectrum / April 18, 2016 / website / view site
Bringing Augmented Reality to Real Eyeglasses
IEEE Spectrum / April 12, 2016 / website / view site
Inorganic LEDs flex and shine white
Chemical & Engineering News / April 7, 2016 / website / view site
Spreading Knowledge and Wonder
Cell / Vol. 164, No. 6 / March 10, 2016 / pp. 1085-1088 / view site
When Computers Stand in the Schoolhouse Door
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 59, No. 3 / March 2016 / pp. 19-21 / view site
A New Way to See the Universe
Boston University Research / Feb. 26, 2016 / website / view site
New Materials Push Solar-to-Hydrogen Closer
IEEE Spectrum / Feb. 4, 2016 / website / view site
Roll to Roll Electronics Manufacturing Rolls On
IEEE Spectrum / Jan. 27, 2016 / website / view site
Uncovering the Recipe for Nanocrystal Growth
APS Science 2015 / May 2016 / pp 172-173 / view site
A Rechargeable Calcium-ion Battery
Chemical & Engineering News / Jan. 12, 2016 / website / view site
Graphene Flakes Make Laser Neuron Superfast
IEEE Spectrum / Jan. 12, 2016 / website / view site
Seeing More Clearly
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 59, No. 1 / January 2016 / pp. 20-22 / view site


Processor With Photonic Interconnects Built
IEEE Spectrum / Dec. 23, 2015 / website / view site
Metastasis: Resistance Fighters
Nature / Vol. 528, Iss. 7582 / Dec. 17, 2015 / pp. S128-S129 / view site
Freeze Ray! (Almost)
IEEE Spectrum / Dec. 14, 2015 / website / view site

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