Publications by Date


Microbe Killer Sheds Its Skin
Chemical & Engineering News / Dec. 10, 2015 / website / view site
Cars Could Follow the Flight of the Bumblebee
IEEE Spectrum / Dec. 3, 2015 / website / view site
Mobile Data: Made to Measure
Nature / Vol. 527, Issue 7576 / Nov. 5, 2015 / pp. S12-S13 / view site
Proteomics: High-Protein Research
Nature / Vol, 527, Issue 7576 / Nov. 5, 2015 / pp. S6-S7 / view site
Tiny Boxes Hold Catalytic Surprise
Chemical & Engineering News / Oct. 30, 2015 / website / view site
Flow Batteries: Liquid Assets
Nature / Vol. 526, Iss. 7575 / Oct. 29, 2015 / pp. S98-S99 / view site
Mind-Reading with Infrared Light
IEEE Spectrum / Oct. 29, 2015 / website / view site
Spider Silk Sensors Could Search for Life on Mars
IEEE Spectrum / Oct. 24, 2015 / website / view site
Light Where the Sun Don't Shine
IEEE Spectrum / Oct. 20, 2015 / website / view site
Artificial Precognition Uses Data to See the Future
Communications of the ACM / Oct. 13, 2015 / website / view site
Batteries Running on Shrooms
IEEE Spectrum / Oct. 7, 2015 / website / view site
Nobel Awarded for Discovery of Neutrino Mass
IEEE Spectrum / Oct. 6, 2015 / website / view site
Squeezing Knowledge from an Incompressible Metal
APS Science 2015 / May 2016 / pp. 148-149 / view site
Yeast-Filled Fibers Could Treat Polluted Wastewater
Chemical & Engineering News / Sept. 24, 2015 / website / view site
Thin Is in for Invisibility Cloaks
IEEE Spectrum / Sept. 24, 2015 / website / view site
Sensors You Can Swallow Could Be Made of Nutrients and Powered by Stomach Acid
IEEE Spectrum / Sept. 21, 2015 / website / view site
Body Talk With Magnets
IEEE Spectrum / Sept. 16, 2015 / website / view site
Metasurface Optics for Better Cellphone Cameras and 3-D Displays
IEEE Spectrum / Sept. 4, 2015 / website / view site
Split Second
Communications of the ACM / Vol. 58, No. 9 / September 2015 / pp. 12-14 / view site
Li-Fi in the ER
IEEE Spectrum / Aug. 25, 2015 / website / view site

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