Publications by Type

Features -- consumer publications

How to fit clothing into the circular economy
Nature / Vol. 611/Issue 7936 / Nov. 17, 2022 / pp. S20-S21 / view site
Insects offer inspiration for robot advances
Nature / Vol. 610/Issue 7931 / Oct. 13, 2022 / pg. S18 / view site
Bioinspired robots walk, swim, slither, and fly
Nature / Vol. 609/Issue 7929 / September 29, 2022 / website / view site
Improving crop resiliance with nanoparticles
Nature / Vol. 608, No. 7922 / Aug. 10, 2022 / pp. S16-S17 / view site
Learning over a lifetime
Nature / July 20, 2022 / website / view site
Clare Grey's pioneering studies could lead to a more sustainable energy future
ACS Central Science / Vol. 8/Issue 6 / June 6, 2022 / pp. 670-671 / view site
Jason S. Tedrow adapts new technologies to scale up drug manufacturing
Chemical & Engineering News / Vol. 100, Issue 12 / April 8, 2022 / website / view site
Jennifer Petter wants to interfere with RNA to discover new drug targets
Chemical & Engineering News / Vol. 100, Issue 12 / April 8, 2022 / website / view site
Breaking into the black box of artificial intelligence
Nature / March 29, 2022 / website / view site
Next-gen imaging takes pictures that speak a million pixels
Photonics Focus / Vol. 3/Issue 2 / March/April 2022 / view site
Robots rise to meet the challenge of caring for old people
Nature / Vol. 601/Issue 7893 / Jan. 20, 2022 / pp. S8-S10 / view site
An mRNA vaccine industry in the making
Nature / Vol. 598/Issue 7882 / Oct. 28, 2021 / pp. S30-S31 / view site
Optics shine a light on dental imaging
Nature / Vol. 598/Issue 7882 / Oct. 28, 2021 / website / view site
A New Vision for Stem Cells
Nature / Vol. 597/Issue 7878 / Sept. 29, 2021 / pp. S24-S26 / view site
New Complex Alloys Push the Limits of Materials
ACS Central Science / Sept. 9, 2021 / view site
High-entropy alloys expand their range
Nature Index / Vol. 595/Issue 7865 / July 1, 2021 / website / view site
Machines learn to unearth new materials
Nature Index / Vol. 595/Issue 7865 / July 1, 2021 / website / view site
Spinoff Prize: Better catalysts from superfast heating
Nature / Vol. 594/Issue 7864 / June 24, 2021 / view site
Spinoff Prize: Solar cells that make use of wasted light
Nature / Vol. 594/Issue 7864 / June 24, 2021 / view site
The Spinoff Prize 2020 finalists: where are they now?
Nature / Vol. 594/Issue 7864 / June 24, 2021 / view site

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